Hansa Chug

An Art of Living faculty, who is passionate about yoga and spreading it for wellness and teaching
programs of art of living which includes Pure Yoga asana programs.

What they say about us...

About Hansa.....

Organized and led specialized Yoga sessions tailored for women, with a participation of more than 50+
individuals, addressing various health & wellness needs.
• Anti-aging batch with 80+ participants.
• Taught more than 130+ participants in 90 days challenge
• Conducting daily classes for a mix of housewives, working professionals and businessmen with 70+  participants.

Yoga qualification

200 HR Teacher Training Course with the Sri Sri School of Yoga, Bangalore


BA (Hons) Economics
MA in Economics


Knowledge of Yoga Postures
Breathing Techniques & Meditation
Stress Management Techniques
Singer & Performer


Yoga Instructor with The Art of Livin


Two months of regular yoga,not only improved my flexibility but it also improved my mental and physical health.Yoga cured many of my health problems like migraine, edema, stress and anxiety.It has also improved my thyroid function. — Kiranpreet Kaur

After completing almost 2 months I became a bit flexible( my finger not only touch but rest on ground), daily meditation has also helped me sleep better and more soundfull but most surprising and least expected was the relief in period pain. I almost every month my entire life took anti spasm medicine but this time ( during second month of doing yoga) pain was very less and manageable. I am very happy and all the credit goes to Hansa ji. — Preshika Awasthi (Project Associate, Csir-IHBT)

Feeling very energetic and refreshing. In all sessions, I felt so much refreshed to start the day, Wonderful experience in doing yoga in chair position very much helpful to senior citizens. Thank you so much Hansa ji. — Prabha (Homemaker, Senior Citizen)